Participation of the PABSEC International Secretariat in the meeting of the BSEC Working Group on Exchange of Statistical Data and Economic Information

Ms. Milena Ljubinkovic, Secretary of the PABSEC Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee took part in the meeting of the BSEC Working Group on Exchange of Statistical Data and Economic Information that was held online on 25 January 2024.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of the Republic of Albania, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Bulgaria, Georgia, the Hellenic Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Türkiye and Ukraine. The representatives of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank and Black Sea Universities Network also took part in the meeting. 

The main item of the agenda was the compilation of main economic and social indicators for the BSEC countries.  The representatives of the BSEC Coordination Centre on Exchange of Statistical Data and Economic Information presented the aggregated table on main economic and social indicators for the BSEC countries. It was decided that the latest version of the aggregated table would be reviewed and updated by the countries after which necessary adjustments would be made and the table will be disseminated for the final approval.