Participation of the PABSEC International Secretariat in the meeting of the BSEC Working Group on Environmental Protection

Ms. Milena Ljubinkovic, Acting Secretary of the PABSEC Committee on Economic and Development Policy took part in the meeting of the BSEC Working Group on Environmental Protection organized online on 11 March 2024.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Türkiye and Ukraine. International Centre for Black Sea Studies took part in the meeting as the BSEC Related Body. The representative of the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution (Black Sea Commission) participated in the meeting in the capacity of the BSEC Observer. The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions in Europe, Balkans and Black Sea Commission participated in the meeting as Sectoral Dialogue Partner, while the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Istanbul Hub attended the meeting as Guest. 

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Gheorghe Constantin, Deputy General Director of General Directorate of Water, Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests of Romania.

At the meeting participants were informed by the BSEC Permanent Secretariat on the adoption of the updated BSEC Economic Agenda, on 15 December 2023 and the contents of Goal 5 on environment and climate action.

The representative of the Country-Coordinator- Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests of Romania presented the Report on the implementation of the Plan of Action of the Working Group for 2022-2023 and expressed intention to continue with the Plan during 2024 as well.

The participants also discussed the upcoming, current and recently completed projects related to the protection and sustainable development of the marine environment. Special emphasis was put on cooperation with international or regional organizations in the field of the environment in the BSEC Region, as well as possibilities of eventual projects for join implementation.